It's out! Now shut up and watch!
<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>If Rockstar's site goes down you can check the trailer out on
We're uploading Screen Captures of the trailer and now have a list of observations made from it below. Leave your initial impressions in the discussion!
Our Analysis/Observations:
Now that we've seen the trailer and have a nice selection of screenshots from it available, let's have a little look at them and see what details we can surmise from them. The following is a list of our thoughts and presumptions based on what we can see in the trailer. Nothing is confirmed as fact yet.
That's all we have for now. Let us know in the comments if you think we missed anything that's worth pointing out. Also be sure to comment on the Tommy Vercetti/Tony Cipriani thoughts, we'd love to know what you all think about either of them returning as the main character.
SAN ANDREAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing. Amazing. Pardon the french but FUCK YEAH! Rockstar know whats up.
I could only watch it in 240p... Btw, didn't figure out if it's LS or SA either.
Download here:
R*s site is down Lol
I could only watch it in 240p... Btw, didn't figure out if it's LS or SA either.
Download and watch in VLC
There's a dog at 6 seconds in the trailer, EPIC.
Oh yeah didn't notice the dog. Possible two playable characters? The guy at 0:24 driving the red car re-appears again at 1:04 and then there's the old guy (who's most likely narrating) who appears multiple times with the face shot, doing the robbery and driving the black R* version of the R8 (?). I dunno, what do you guys think.
So, lemme see... Los Santos is there, Countryside is there. Near the end I think I saw one of those machines you find in the middle of Bone County, so I guess we'll have the desert (and Venturas). Oh, I didn't see the dog either.
EDIT: More specifically, at 1:03.
The oil drills suggest Las Venturas, or the desert, could be included.
Some people say the cars have "San Andreas" on the license plate, which could lead to something.
If planes really are due to make a come back, surely, the map will be huge and there will be more than one city.
Let there be animal slaughter...
Fuck off with that shit, we've banned members over that type of stuff.
San Andreas? Okay, I can deal with that. Definitely more of a trailer than I was expecting. And definitely a bit of a shock with how quick it all came, usually we have to sit around for a couple of months KNOWING it's coming but not knowing anything more than that.
The mountain is mount chiliad...
Updated my sig with the trailer words. It looks great, it really does. I think it is the white guy seen looking over the city who's narrating, it'll be a BIG break from the norm if we're playing as that guy in his 40's or however old he is.
This might be kind of off topic (even though it's kind of trailer talk), but that screen right there reminded me of a sig Llama once made for me, the hobo sign saying "Will Play GTA for Food" haha.
So, has anyone seen anything that could link to San Fierro?
San Fierro? Well, nothing for now. But, if we gonna have the whole San Andreas, I guess San Fierro might be coming too.
Is this SA?
I guess it's SA. Or at least Los Santos plus the Countryside...
I hope that ''FOR SALE'' sign means we can buy property.
By the way
So I do...
It looks awesome though i believe it will need the same system requirements of GTA IV
Yeah, Venturas seems to be there too. Now we only gotta find San Fierro...
From Wikipedia:
At 9am Pacific Time on November 2, Rockstar released a 1:24 minute debut trailer for GTA V. It reveals the location to be Los Santos, the fictional city of Los Angeles and its California surroundings, including Hollywood ("Vinewood") and rural hills and valleys. Planes, jetskis and police chases all feature in the trailer. The song used in the trailer is by British band The Small Faces and the song is called "Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake". [18][19] At 16:54 on the 2nd of November Rockstar announced that the main character of the series would be named George Naylor and we will follow him from San Andreas to Vice City in the biggest Grand Theft Auto made to date.
Awesome trailer.
Quoting some trailer analysis made by a redditor.
Okay, let's take this all in and consider what we learn about the game from this trailer:
- Will be set at least in Los Santos, possibly all of San Andreas (edit: It is San Andreas, you see it on the license plates. And the bug exterminator's van says "Los Santos" on is, meaning that there's a very good chance we will get all 3 cities)
- Dogs/animals are in game
- A MASSIVE looking mountain
- Biplanes/jets
- Jet skis? (name of the Jetski? Speeophile 2000)
- At least one area of town will be "Little Seoul" (:32)
- Ok, at different points in the trailer there are what looks like different people driving cars. At first I thought it was a sign that the ability to control your whole appearance is back, but when I look closer it almost seems like you would be controlling a different character
- If the main character winds up being Tommy Vercetti 25 years after the events of Vice City (VO sounds a hell of a lot like Ray Liotta, guy at :40 looks like Tommy) I am pre-ordering this game tomorrow, holy shit
Just to keep in mind, next October does happen to be the 10 year anniversary of Vice City...
What else?
ALSO! Here's the song used in the trailer:
It's by the Small Faces, called "Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake/Afterglow" Full expect it to be available as a song on a radio station, as all other GTA trailer songs have been
If they do bring back Vercetti in any way, I am SOLD. Most badass GTA character.
Some fail analysis from IGNorants:
I noticed a few planes and vehicles that were in San Andreas.
If they do bring back Vercetti in any way, I am SOLD. Most badass GTA character.
As much as I would love that, and thought that the voice KINDA sounded like Ray Liotta, it is pretty unlikely. Considering that the game seems to be set in the modern day (style of cars, hinted recession theme and that building under construction mentioned in the IGN analysis) and Tommy was born in 1951. That would mean he would be +55 years old in this game. And the guy looks old, but not THAT old.
Wikipedia knows no more information than us. It's just normal people editing a wiki. That's just other people's opinion.
The George Naylor thing doesn't appear to be official - there's no announcement.
Notice how the George Naylor statement isn't on the Wikipedia page any more?
Some fail analysis from IGNorants:
Haha what a bunch of fuckheads, 'is that Lance Vance walking down the street in the sweater vest?!?', then the fan on Twitter corrects them.
Words evade me. I came a little, though.
Yeah that's a fair point on the whole Vercetti thing, shame.
I just read your initial post about TC. Very possible, looks quite like him. Also it would make sense that Toni would move to SA 'for the weather' instead of Tommy who lives/lived in beautiful VC I never got to play LCS though since my PSP had a very short lifespan. Was it worth a play?
LCS was quite good yeah. It's also on PS2 remember
I just reworded the sentence after some more thought. I think we can definitely rule out Tommy since the guy does NOT look 60 years old, as Tommy would be now, so can't be him. It Could still be TC though, but I'm not convinced that's him in the screenshot. The narration over the trailer does SOUND a bit like Ray Liotta though (voice of Tony Cipriani).
LCS was quite good yeah. It's also on PS2 remember
I just reworded the sentence after some more thought. I think we can definitely rule out Tommy since the guy does NOT look 60 years old, as Tommy would be now, so can't be him. It Could still be TC though, but I'm not convinced that's him in the screenshot. The narration over the trailer does SOUND a bit like Ray Liotta though (voice of Tony Cipriani).
Ray Liotta was Tommy Vercetti..... Tony was voiced by Danny Mastrogiorgio. Unless you mean in GTA III, in which it was Michael Madsen.
Hmm... I think if it is set in San Andreas, each city is bound to have its own trailer. This obviously being Los Santos.
I'm not over the moon about the setting really... What happend to that thing called creativity they used to have all those years ago?
I like planes though.
LCS was quite good yeah. It's also on PS2 remember
I just reworded the sentence after some more thought. I think we can definitely rule out Tommy since the guy does NOT look 60 years old, as Tommy would be now, so can't be him. It Could still be TC though, but I'm not convinced that's him in the screenshot. The narration over the trailer does SOUND a bit like Ray Liotta though (voice of Tony Cipriani).
Ray Liotta was Tommy Vercetti..... Tony was voiced by Danny Mastrogiorgio. Unless you mean in GTA III, in which it was Michael Madsen.
Yup I was just about to mention that too. After listening to the different voices of Toni in GTA III and LCS, I don't think that it is him in the trailer. Plus, wasn't he a little bit chubby looking in GTA III?
The countryside in the trailer and mountains almost bring a tear to my eye. Its my childhood before my eyes. The trailer is perfect. It confirms that Los Santos is one of the cities and we can rightfully assume that San Fiero is back because of the large mountains.
Graphics look great too, but the gameplay is more important and Rockstar didn't dissapoint.
So the narrator is the main character right? He does sound a bit older, late 30's?
And did I not say it before the mountains look MASSIVE!
LCS was quite good yeah. It's also on PS2 remember
I just reworded the sentence after some more thought. I think we can definitely rule out Tommy since the guy does NOT look 60 years old, as Tommy would be now, so can't be him. It Could still be TC though, but I'm not convinced that's him in the screenshot. The narration over the trailer does SOUND a bit like Ray Liotta though (voice of Tony Cipriani).
Ray Liotta was Tommy Vercetti..... Tony was voiced by Danny Mastrogiorgio. Unless you mean in GTA III, in which it was Michael Madsen.
Yup I was just about to mention that too. After listening to the different voices of Toni in GTA III and LCS, I don't think that it is him in the trailer. Plus, wasn't he a little bit chubby looking in GTA III?
He was. AND he was starting to look old, and that was over a decade ago...
More of a Italian mob-esque voice in GTA III and a bit less so in LCS in my opinion.
Anyways, both sound quite different from the voice heard in the trailer.
This makes IV look like a piece of shit. Anyway I've watched the trailer about 4 times and noticed a few things:
Esperanto (Distance)
Updated Rebla (possibly)
Updated Huntly Sport
Police Cruiser (Same Model dif. Colour)
And has anyone noticed that the AK47 has a silencer?
Spotted a couple of other things.
Anyone else notice the bicycle in this guys drive? Bicycles were so much fun in the original SA! I'm hoping we get to ride them in V.
Anyone else notice the bicycle in this guys drive? Bicycles were so much fun in the original SA! I'm hoping we get to ride them in V.
Yes, I pointed it out in our analysis. I would fully expect to be able to ride bikes again. Can't see why we wouldn't. The other interesting thing about that screenshot is the windows are open, which makes me assume we'll be able to go inside.
I'm not taking any credit for this but a user on the Rockstar Newswire CommonSeb noticed that @ the 55sec. mark while the man is pushing the sign into the dirt on the driveway the # of the house is "2405".
Now as we know the song used in the trailer is Ogden' Nut Gone Flake which was released May 24, 1968. http://en.wikipedia...._Nut_Gone_Flake
Speculated release date: May 24, 2012. Interesting no? Thoughts?
Edit: Fixed link.
I'm not taking any credit for this but a user on the Rockstar Newswire CommonSeb noticed that @ the 55sec. mark while the man is pushing the sign into the dirt on the driveway the # of the house is "2405".
Now as we know the song used in the trailer is Ogden' Nut Gone Flake which was released May 24, 1968. http://en.wikipedia...._Nut_Gone_Flake
Speculated release date: May 24, 2012. Interesting no? Thoughts?
Edit: Fixed link.
If it does come out then, I guess I'll be failing my Uni exams a month and a half later lol.
In my opinion that's too early. I think it's just a random number in any case. I would be extremely surprised if that does turn out to be the release date, 1. because it's a really subtle and seemingly unrelated to anything and 2. I still expect October 2012 at the earliest.
@Evo: Good stuff there, I somehow managed to miss the AK47s before seeing your screenshots but that looks to be an amazing mission. However, I don't think that we'll be able to kick doors open. This isn't a gameplay trailer and many of the clips used in the trailer looks to be from a cutscene, like they did with previous trailers. That scene in particular looks very much to be from a cutscene.
Here are some quick screenshots that I took myself:
0:34 - The return of the ability to work out at gyms?
0:26 - Collapsing roof on convertibles? Possible that this is just from a cutscene however, and not actual gameplay.
1:05 - The new LSPD motto and logo?
0:18, 1:03, 1:09, 1:12 - Also, that blimp (as mentioned by Evo) in the trailer looks a little odd to me. It looks as though it is stationary and located in the same spot throughout the whole trailer.
Am I looking too much into this? I'll bet that it is just under development but it is a good thing to take note of.
0:29 - And, last screenshot, what appears to be a Skimmer/seaplane is visible in the windmill portion of the trailer.
Yes I'm pretty sure we have roughly a year (at least) to wait for the release. To expand on my idea of multiple playable characters, here's a couple screenshots of the guy who appears 2 or 3 times during the trailer.
^ For this one I noticed that at the last possible second before the trailer changes to another scene, the guy in the red car sticks his head back a bit behind the windshield so he can check out the girl's ass haha. Which was also the way I was able to screenshot his face.
^Here he is again shown later in the trailer when he is evading the cops and crashes into a blue car in the process.
^And to tie this character to the storyline, I slowly went through the robbery scene and noticed that it is possible that he is the driver of the van. Physical features look vaguely similar (although it is hard to tell because of the lack of light); bald head, dark complexion and it looks like he is wearing wifebeater.
Anyways I think that it is very possible that this guy may be a playable character in the game in addition to the presently assumed middle aged main character. The trailer features him driving a few times in a similar focus to the way the 'main character' is shown driving. This could mean that there are multiple protagonists or MAYBE a first time co-op mode/storyline in the series. What do you guys think?
Yes I'm pretty sure we have roughly a year (at least) to wait for the release. To expand on my idea of multiple playable characters, here's a couple screenshots of the guy who appears 2 or 3 times during the trailer.
^ For this one I noticed that at the last possible second before the trailer changes to another scene, the guy in the red car sticks his head back a bit behind the windshield so he can check out the girl's ass haha. Which was also the way I was able to screenshot his face.
^Here he is again shown later in the trailer when he is evading the cops and crashes into a blue car in the process.
^And to tie this character to the storyline, I slowly went through the robbery scene and noticed that it is possible that he is the driver of the van. Physical features look vaguely similar (although it is hard to tell because of the lack of light); bald head, dark complexion and it looks like he is wearing wifebeater.
Anyways I think that it is very possible that this guy may be a playable character in the game in addition to the presently assumed middle aged main character. The trailer features him driving a few times in a similar focus to the way the 'main character' is shown driving. This could mean that there are multiple protagonists or MAYBE a first time co-op mode/storyline in the series. What do you guys think?
You could be right, good find. Also notice the MC in the Tampa (maybe).
Bugstars: Putting the FU in fumigate.
Need money for beer, pot and hookers. At least I’m not bullshitting U!
Glory Holes (a bakery?)
We aim not to lose it.
E Cola: Deliciously infectious!
Los Santos
Mile High Club
Pizza This
Pump Buddy Magazine: Plenty of issues to work out!
Speedophile 2000
Tequi-la-la, and Enema
Up-n-Atom Burger: Once it pings, eat like kings.
Vapid cop car
Vinewood sign
Tommy Vercetti?
So Enema is the name of the club, huh? For those who don't know it is the insertion of liquid into the bowels via the rectum as a treatment for constipation.
Maybe a reference to the Rectum club from the movie Irreversible. Or Rockstar being comical.
I believe that in GTA 4 Jerry Kapowitz was going to Vice City to open up a liquor store.
Awesome trailer.
Quoting some trailer analysis made by a redditor.
Okay, let's take this all in and consider what we learn about the game from this trailer:
- Will be set at least in Los Santos, possibly all of San Andreas (edit: It is San Andreas, you see it on the license plates. And the bug exterminator's van says "Los Santos" on is, meaning that there's a very good chance we will get all 3 cities)
- Dogs/animals are in game
- A MASSIVE looking mountain
- Biplanes/jets
- Jet skis? (name of the Jetski? Speeophile 2000)
- At least one area of town will be "Little Seoul" (:32)
- Ok, at different points in the trailer there are what looks like different people driving cars. At first I thought it was a sign that the ability to control your whole appearance is back, but when I look closer it almost seems like you would be controlling a different character
- If the main character winds up being Tommy Vercetti 25 years after the events of Vice City (VO sounds a hell of a lot like Ray Liotta, guy at :40 looks like Tommy) I am pre-ordering this game tomorrow, holy shit
Just to keep in mind, next October does happen to be the 10 year anniversary of Vice City...
What else?
ALSO! Here's the song used in the trailer:
It's by the Small Faces, called "Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake/Afterglow" Full expect it to be available as a song on a radio station, as all other GTA trailer songs have been
Soooo excitinggg!!
What seems to be volumetric God rays can also be seen in the part where the dog appears. Whether it was shooped or if R* added support to it in RAGE, idk.
Awesome trailer, looking forward to playing this one. By the looks of it, if it ends up being just Los Santos, it may be possible that they may using those mountains in the background as the boundary instead of just using the Ocean to surround the whole place.
It's out! Now shut up and watch!
<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>If Rockstar's site goes down you can check the trailer out on
We're uploading Screen Captures of the trailer and now have a list of observations made from it below. Leave your initial impressions in the discussion!
Our Analysis/Observations:
Now that we've seen the trailer and have a nice selection of screenshots from it available, let's have a little look at them and see what details we can surmise from them. The following is a list of our thoughts and presumptions based on what we can see in the trailer. Nothing is confirmed as fact yet.
- Music: The song used in the trailer is "Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake" by The Small Faces
- A dog is seen walking with a couple (screenshot #1) - our guess is we won't be able to keep pets, but we'll see dogs, maybe other animals in game.
- Men are seeing playing golf. This may be a side activity. (screenshots #5 and #6)
- A man is seen riding a jetski with the slogan "Speedophile" written on the side. We're pretty sure these will be usable. (screenshot #7)
- Some friends are seen climbing what could be Mount Chiliad. Two of them are holding hands which suggests relationships might make a return. (screenshots #8 and #9)
- Convertible cars! Screenshots #10,#11,#12 and #13 show a woman walking past and glancing at a man putting the roof of his car down.
- Wind turbines in a rural area, could be based on the real life Interstate 8 (thanks chris82). Screenshot #14. Also check this screenshot taken a few frames before by forum member NotYouHaha who draws attention to what appears to be a Skimmer seaplane making a return!
- Two people are seen exercising on the balcony of a large house. Screenshot #15. Fitness may be incorporated into the game once again, as a moment later in screenshot #17 we see a blonde woman walking past "Muscle Sands" on Vespucci Beach, Los Santos.
- Is that an older Tommy Vercetti in screenshot #22!? A lot of you are hoping/wishing it is. Others are saying Tony Cipriani is also a possibility. We're not convinced it's the protagonist, whoever it is, but we don't know for sure. UPDATE: Tommy would be 60 years old now, thus it seems unlikely to be him. Tony Cipriani looking more likely if it is indeed a returning character.
- Planes! Our first shot of a plane in GTA V is this crop duster being a nuisance to some workers in screenshots #23, #24, #25 and #26
- A cutscene from a mission is shown in screenshots #27, #28, #29 and #30. Bugstars Pest Control - "putting the FU in fumigate" is shown on the van they are using as cover.
- Main character(?) driving through town past Pizza This (screenshot #31), doesn't look like we can go inside. Then from a different angle (screenshot #32) we see him drive past a supermarket and in the background a building available for rent, doesn't necessarily mean it's for use in game though. You can see clearly here the license plate on the car says "San Andreas"
- Screenshot #33 shows an Up-n-Atom Burger truck leaving to reveal Los Santos Port in screenshot #34
- We are then taken through what appears to be a poorer area of the city, a black gentleman walks off camera left and we get a glimpse of a white Comet in the background. Screenshots #35, #36, #37 and #38
- A postal service van drives away to reveal a man hammering a for sale sign due to foreclosue into the the ground outside his home. A bicycle can be seen in the background, next to some open windows. This makes us believe property buying/selling will be a part of the game (screenshot #40).
- Our protagonist will be able to have a good time (screenshot #41).
- We see a nice Audi R8 being driven fast (screenshot #42), and then our attention is turned to some poorer residents (screenshots #43, #44, #45).
- A jet is seen using its afterburner! We're going to presume this is flyable. Screenshots #46 and #47.
- A motorbike, possible a PCJ is seen in the foreground while a man is ejected from a club in the background (screenshot #48).
- A nice shot of the city with mountains visible in the background (screenshot #49)
- A cop in pursuit through the city. Here again we see "San Andreas" on the license plate. Screenshots #50, #51, #52 and #53
- Police on foot and in the air chase a man through some back alleys. Screenshots #54, #55, #56 and #57
- The camera pans up to show a burning vehicle and an ambulance in screenshots #58 and #59
- In the penultimate shot of the trailer we see plane flying over the iconic Vinewood sign (screenshots #60 and #61
- The trailer ends by showing said plane flying toward downtown Los Santos, before the GTAV logo appears and the background fades to black (screenshot #62).
That's all we have for now. Let us know in the comments if you think we missed anything that's worth pointing out. Also be sure to comment on the Tommy Vercetti/Tony Cipriani thoughts, we'd love to know what you all think about either of them returning as the main character.
Neat post, I love to learn to post like this. Very well formatted, off topic, but I do HTML so ... formatting is a big deal. Anyway, how is everyone? I hope happy! :-D
From : "Developed by series creator Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto V heads to the city of Los Santos and surrounding hills, countryside and beaches in the largest and most ambitious game Rockstar has yet created." So I guess it's gonna be only Los Santos, and not the entire San Andreas =(
From : "Developed by series creator Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto V heads to the city of Los Santos and surrounding hills, countryside and beaches in the largest and most ambitious game Rockstar has yet created." So I guess it's gonna be only Los Santos, and not the entire San Andreas =(
I'm sure they will make it more fulfilling and dynamic than the previous version of San Andres.
From : "Developed by series creator Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto V heads to the city of Los Santos and surrounding hills, countryside and beaches in the largest and most ambitious game Rockstar has yet created." So I guess it's gonna be only Los Santos, and not the entire San Andreas =(
I'm sure they will make it more fulfilling and dynamic than the previous version of San Andres.
I agree, when you look at the old San Andreas map, Los Santos and the surrounding countryside area take up a HUGE portion of the map (if you include Mt. Chilead since we assume it's going to be included). It takes up almost half of the map and I am sure R* will not let us down when re-creating the city. I am a little disappointed that it is not the whole state but I guess we will have to wait for more updates/trailers to get a better idea of how the game is going to turn out. Really excited for the rural environment though (Mt. Chilead looks amazing!), it should be much more fun and lively to explore than the dark grey streets of Liberty City
Thanks for the heads up though.
Awesome trailer, looking forward to playing this one. By the looks of it, if it ends up being just Los Santos, it may be possible that they may using those mountains in the background as the boundary instead of just using the Ocean to surround the whole place.
Please be San Andreas! I hope you can roam around the countryside, like in San Andreas as it was nice to explore somewhere else other than the city.
Welcome back you two! And it looks like you're probably right Noru about the boundary thing.
guys... seems that the background may be Grove street.
if it is then.... fuck yeah CJ is about to bust yo ass!!!!!!!!
and also if this game is released i better be visiting CJ's house..
and there better be no changes in grove street...
UPDATE: That 2405 MAYBE telling us that it MAYBE released 24 months and 5 days
after (if it's going to be a whole san andreas map..)
my opinion..
Oops! Thanks Evo, I did indeed mean Michael Madsen, the GTA III voice. I completely forgot he was voiced by a different actor for LCS, I didn't play LCS all that much so don't remember it. He had a somewhat similar voice though right?
Thanks EVO? Chris you're starting to lose your mind. You can't get names straight now.
From : "Developed by series creator Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto V heads to the city of Los Santos and surrounding hills, countryside and beaches in the largest and most ambitious game Rockstar has yet created." So I guess it's gonna be only Los Santos, and not the entire San Andreas =(
Still might be more than that. You never know.
And no, I want NOTHING to do with CJ, the "Grove Street", or any of that bullshit. Made the beginning on San Andreas a tad difficult to get through.
guys... seems that the background may be Grove street.
if it is then.... fuck yeah CJ is about to bust yo ass!!!!!!!!
and also if this game is released i better be visiting CJ's house..
and there better be no changes in grove street...
UPDATE: That 2405 MAYBE telling us that it MAYBE released 24 months and 5 days
after (if it's going to be a whole san andreas map..)
my opinion..
Grove Street probably won't be making a return as with anything else that was in San Andreas Story. Maybe just in a form of an Easter Egg but that's just about it.
guys... seems that the background may be Grove street.
if it is then.... fuck yeah CJ is about to bust yo ass!!!!!!!!
and also if this game is released i better be visiting CJ's house..
and there better be no changes in grove street...
UPDATE: That 2405 MAYBE telling us that it MAYBE released 24 months and 5 days
after (if it's going to be a whole san andreas map..)
my opinion..
Grove Street probably won't be making a return as with anything else that was in San Andreas Story. Maybe just in a form of an Easter Egg but that's just about it.
well, they have to make a Los Santos version of Compton don't they? i'm sure it'll be there, but it's probably not the grove street we used to roam anymore, and by watching the trailer, i think street gangs like that will only have a small part to the game's atmosphere
I have found something that may be worth noting. There appears to be a semi-truck with a trailer in the Up-n-Atom clip:
Of course, I'm wondering with the larger landscape if they would be able to bring 'em back. There were also several trucks in the trailer without 'em trailers (one in this screenshot and another behind the man with a cardboard sign). Meh, nothing big imo, but its just something we may have missed.
Well, I did like the detachable trailers in San Andreas... However, we have seen trailer and trailer-less semi's before we could ever attach/detach them.
That look's like the new hydra
Also, does no one else think that black guy in the sports car kind of looks like CJ? He even has a white vest top like at the start of SA.
This is the most exciting I have ever been about a video game. Ever.
Well, V-Rock was originally in Reddick, then moved to Vice. Anyways, I don't think it'd have existed in the GTA IV universe, much like every other radio station in the GTA III universe (with the exception of Chatterbox). Plus, the V-Rock Hotel and Casino was a parody of a Rock-themed Casino in Las Vegas.
I agree with TUN3R, that scene looks just like a cutscene. Plus, having to open doors (or kicking them) would just make things worse: If you are running from the police, and wants to enter a safehouse and save the game, which one would you prefer, to open/kick the door, or to have the door working like in GTA IV?
EDIT: Phoenix? Fuck Yeah!!!
Did anyone noticed that a jeep is seen on the scene..
~ XXX Mod
Jeep = Mesa
Wow, amazing saying SA looks better. You being a Saints Row fan, I couldn't expect any more, no offense though, it's just because it's a whole different game and you criticize GTA like hell.
Rockstar did really pull their hair, they're pushing the consoles to the maximum and the features in this game just sound immense, I can't wait. Though it would be even better if it were the whole of SA.
GTA V / GTA SA comparison (SA looks better):
Stop being a troll, the top video clearly had jagged edges and boxier models. Not to mention incredibly flat looking trees, and people who didn't know how to walk properly.
GTA V / GTA SA comparison (SA looks better):
This video amused me, but I'm hoping the 'looks better' was sarcasm. I personally am looking forward to both SR3 and GTAV; this is not a place for partisan divisions.
I'm afraid not. More polygons and sharper textures doesn't always make for better graphics...
@Spaz & that other guy
Apparently opinions = trolling now...
Wow, amazing saying SA looks better. You being a Saints Row fan, I couldn't expect any more, no offense though, it's just because it's a whole different game and you criticize GTA like hell.
Rockstar did really pull their hair, they're pushing the consoles to the maximum and the features in this game just sound immense, I can't wait. Though it would be even better if it were the whole of SA.
So its been confirmed its NOT the whole of SA? wtf..
The R* announcement says it returns to LS, hasn't mentioned the rest but who knows?
GTA V / GTA SA comparison (SA looks better):
This video amused me, but I'm hoping the 'looks better' was sarcasm. I personally am looking forward to both SR3 and GTAV; this is not a place for partisan divisions.
I'm afraid not. More polygons and sharper textures doesn't always make for better graphics...
@Spaz & that other guy
Apparently opinions = trolling now...
Yeah. Because your opinions are just that. You are nothing more than a troll. It's what you will always be. It's probably all you even know how to do.
There's gotta be more than LS. The other two cities? Who knows. But there's definitely a mountain, and some more rural areas.
GTA V / GTA SA comparison (SA looks better):
This video amused me, but I'm hoping the 'looks better' was sarcasm. I personally am looking forward to both SR3 and GTAV; this is not a place for partisan divisions.
I'm afraid not. More polygons and sharper textures doesn't always make for better graphics...
@Spaz & that other guy
Apparently opinions = trolling now...
Yeah. Because your opinions are just that. You are nothing more than a troll. It's what you will always be. It's probably all you even know how to do.
There's gotta be more than LS. The other two cities? Who knows. But there's definitely a mountain, and some more rural areas.
There won't be. Rockstar said it's just Los Santos + surroundings. I'm assuming it's the same surroundings from SA, mountain(s), forest and country.
TUN3R, GTA in general doesn't aim for bar-raising graphics - its focus is, and always has been, gameplay. SA was, at its best moments, maybe 7/10 in terms of looks, at most 8/10 if you squinted. It looks dated, but its aim is to be fun as hell. Compare that to the dozens of games on the market these days that admittedly look pretty but that provide maybe half a dozen to a dozen hours before boredom sets in. In the battle between graphics and gameplay, gameplay will always win to people are looking for a good time and aren't fickle and shallow.
There's gotta be more than LS. The other two cities? Who knows. But there's definitely a mountain, and some more rural areas.
I mentioned in a related topic that I welcome the reduced geographic scope in favour of focus on characters and gameplay. The Greater Los Angeles area by itself is massive (33,954 sq mi, according to Wiki), not including surrounding countryside. To recreate this down to the finest detail is itself a monumental achievement; anything else is a welcomed extra. GTA has always found its heart in sprawling urban areas; I'm sure V's Los Santos will provide ample space and variety to suit nearly all tastes. And I'm a guy that romanticises life in a scenic country town.
GTA V / GTA SA comparison (SA looks better):
This video amused me, but I'm hoping the 'looks better' was sarcasm. I personally am looking forward to both SR3 and GTAV; this is not a place for partisan divisions.
I'm afraid not. More polygons and sharper textures doesn't always make for better graphics...
@Spaz & that other guy
Apparently opinions = trolling now...
Yeah. Because your opinions are just that. You are nothing more than a troll. It's what you will always be. It's probably all you even know how to do.
There's gotta be more than LS. The other two cities? Who knows. But there's definitely a mountain, and some more rural areas.
There won't be. Rockstar said it's just Los Santos + surroundings. I'm assuming it's the same surroundings from SA, mountain(s), forest and country.
You just said there won't be more then LS, and then went on to say there will be surroundings. You're just TRYING to disagree with me now. Or are you incapable of seeing that you posted the exact same thing I did?
P.S. All aboard the quote train! I thought they automatically took quoted quotes out?
GTA V / GTA SA comparison (SA looks better):
This video amused me, but I'm hoping the 'looks better' was sarcasm. I personally am looking forward to both SR3 and GTAV; this is not a place for partisan divisions.
I'm afraid not. More polygons and sharper textures doesn't always make for better graphics...
@Spaz & that other guy
Apparently opinions = trolling now...
Yeah. Because your opinions are just that. You are nothing more than a troll. It's what you will always be. It's probably all you even know how to do.
There's gotta be more than LS. The other two cities? Who knows. But there's definitely a mountain, and some more rural areas.
There won't be. Rockstar said it's just Los Santos + surroundings. I'm assuming it's the same surroundings from SA, mountain(s), forest and country.
You just said there won't be more then LS, and then went on to say there will be surroundings. You're just TRYING to disagree with me now. Or are you incapable of seeing that you posted the exact same thing I did?
P.S. All aboard the quote train! I thought they automatically took quoted quotes out?
I'm guessing he was just nitpicking at that point. And woohoo quote train!
Wow, because that was definitely a question and I definitely answered it "Who knows". Because really, who knows? But whatever. Damn trolls.
GTA V / GTA SA comparison (SA looks better):
This video amused me, but I'm hoping the 'looks better' was sarcasm. I personally am looking forward to both SR3 and GTAV; this is not a place for partisan divisions.
I'm afraid not. More polygons and sharper textures doesn't always make for better graphics...
@Spaz & that other guy
Apparently opinions = trolling now...
Yeah. Because your opinions are just that. You are nothing more than a troll. It's what you will always be. It's probably all you even know how to do.
There's gotta be more than LS. The other two cities? Who knows. But there's definitely a mountain, and some more rural areas.
There won't be. Rockstar said it's just Los Santos + surroundings. I'm assuming it's the same surroundings from SA, mountain(s), forest and country.
You just said there won't be more then LS, and then went on to say there will be surroundings. You're just TRYING to disagree with me now. Or are you incapable of seeing that you posted the exact same thing I did?
P.S. All aboard the quote train! I thought they automatically took quoted quotes out?
I'm guessing he was just nitpicking at that point. And woohoo quote train!
Chuga Chuga Chuga...Chuga Chuga WOOT WOO
Like I said. Poly counts and textures aren't the key for good graphics. GTA V just looks ugly design wise.
That came out wrong, it doesn't look ugly, just not as good as SA.
If it makes you feel better I only have 3 games that fully satisfied me in terms of graphics Won't mention 'em cause it will just give [person I won't name] more reason to bitch about
Damn, I missed the train. Oh well next time.
Like I said. Poly counts and textures aren't the key for good graphics. GTA V just looks ugly design wise.
That came out wrong, it doesn't look ugly, just not as good as SA.
If it makes you feel better I only have 3 games that fully satisfied me in terms of graphics
Won't mention 'em cause it will just give [person I won't name] more reason to bitch about
Damn, I missed the train. Oh well next time.
You don't like the style, the graphics are still significantly better than SA. Now you're voicing opinion and passing it off as fact. Of course, "good graphics" is a subjective statement, but still....
Also... Neeeewww train? -trollface-
Like I said. Poly counts and textures aren't the key for good graphics. GTA V just looks ugly design wise.
That came out wrong, it doesn't look ugly, just not as good as SA.
If it makes you feel better I only have 3 games that fully satisfied me in terms of graphics
Won't mention 'em cause it will just give [person I won't name] more reason to bitch about
Damn, I missed the train. Oh well next time.
You don't like the style, the graphics are still significantly better than SA. Now you're voicing opinion and passing it off as fact. Of course, "good graphics" is a subjective statement, but still....
Also... Neeeewww train? -trollface-
Fuck yea!
Back to the topic, I still think the trailer's graphics look like The Sims 3, but they are sure as hell better than San Andreas, SA's graphics sucked.
I suppose it is in Rockstar's interest to make it look pretty, but not to such a degree that it compromises the quality of the gameplay. They had their time to experiment with IV; we all expect they know what they're doing with the technology by now.
Graphics are a non-issue; the potential gameplay and story should be the focus of any discussion.
Like I said. Poly counts and textures aren't the key for good graphics. GTA V just looks ugly design wise.
That came out wrong, it doesn't look ugly, just not as good as SA.
If it makes you feel better I only have 3 games that fully satisfied me in terms of graphics
Won't mention 'em cause it will just give [person I won't name] more reason to bitch about
Damn, I missed the train. Oh well next time.
You don't like the style, the graphics are still significantly better than SA. Now you're voicing opinion and passing it off as fact. Of course, "good graphics" is a subjective statement, but still....
Also... Neeeewww train? -trollface-
Fuck yea!
Back to the topic, I still think the trailer's graphics look like The Sims 3
Was thinking more of LA Noire (bleh) but now that I think of it...
All it's missing are the blue roads and anime-like characters.
Like I said. Poly counts and textures aren't the key for good graphics. GTA V just looks ugly design wise.
That came out wrong, it doesn't look ugly, just not as good as SA.
If it makes you feel better I only have 3 games that fully satisfied me in terms of graphics
Won't mention 'em cause it will just give [person I won't name] more reason to bitch about
Damn, I missed the train. Oh well next time.
You don't like the style, the graphics are still significantly better than SA. Now you're voicing opinion and passing it off as fact. Of course, "good graphics" is a subjective statement, but still....
Also... Neeeewww train? -trollface-
Fuck yea!
Back to the topic, I still think the trailer's graphics look like The Sims 3
Was thinking more of LA Noire (bleh) but now that I think of it...
All it's missing are the blue roads and anime-like characters.
Yeah, but long as they aren't as laggy as IV's, it's alright.
"Mental wounds not healing
Life's a bitter shame
I'm going off the rails on a quote train,
I'm going off the rails on a quote train."
Now COME ON.. Dont be dissin san andreas
I like the graphics, even if they do "suck".. I like the cartoony-ness of them
Lul point taken Miles, if the game will run well the graphics will be adjusted by the modders...
Assuming it comes to PC (pff yeah right).
I think you should be banned for having that SR sig and banner.. everybody else has GTA V stuff in their sig's.. And u have fucking SAINTS ROW
Lul point taken Miles, if the game will run well the graphics will be adjusted by the modders...
Assuming it comes to PC (pff yeah right).
I think you should be banned for having that SR sig and banner.. everybody else has GTA V stuff in their sig's.. And u have fucking SAINTS ROW
And then you don't want people to call you troll, with that kind of response... It'll definitely come to PC, just like practically all GTA's did, again, you're being a troll on purpose, just because you have a better opinion about Saints Row.
And then you don't want people to call you troll, with that kind of response... It'll definitely come to PC, just like practically all GTA's did, again, you're being a troll on purpose, just because you have a better opinion about Saints Row.
No I'm considered a troll because I like Saints Row better.
And I have no doubt GTA V will make it to PC, but if it's the same piece of shit as GTA IV PC then they might as well stop wasting resources...
I played saints row once, for a little bit.. I hated the fact it had regen health.. I liked some thing's like the pimp cane and robbing shops, kind of reminded me of VC
I played saints row once, for a little bit.. I hated the fact it had regen health.. I liked some thing's like the pimp cane and robbing shops, kind of reminded me of VC
Hated the system in general or just the one in Saints Row? Cause if it's the 2nd one... well yeah it sucks. Even worse in SR2, you'd die from diving out of a moving car but barely take any damage if you commit 9/11 on the Ultor building.
And then you don't want people to call you troll, with that kind of response... It'll definitely come to PC, just like practically all GTA's did, again, you're being a troll on purpose, just because you have a better opinion about Saints Row.
No I'm considered a troll because I like Saints Row better.
And I have no doubt GTA V will make it to PC, but if it's the same piece of shit as GTA IV PC then they might as well stop wasting resources...
You're considered a troll because you're on a GTA forum running around from topic to topic JUST to say how much better SR is, how much GTA sucks compared to SR, and how much you hate Rockstar. If all of this is TRUE, then you need not be here. The fact that you are, makes you a troll. Not your opinion. But nice try.
Don't know where to put it, so I will just post it here.
Maybe a leak, maybe a fake. Who knows..
The black around the map might indicate that some other regions haven't yet been unlocked, thus making SF and LV still an option.
And then a big quote:
1: The game world is absolutely massive and will push both xbox and PS3 to the very limit in terms of what it has accomplished. Yes, the main city is simply Los Santos however is it AT LEAST 4 times bigger than Liberty City in GTA 4 and that is just Los Santos. The surrounding country side, beaches, etc are massive. For instance, we saw the main character ( an African/American, early 30′s) travel by car from the center of Los Santos into the wilderness and it took over 15 minutes. The views were incredible from farmhouses with cattle, huge wind farms, an oil refinery which appeared to be living and breathing with nearly 100 NPCs working on machinery, operating vehicles, lifting and loaded, etc, unlike the gas works in GTA 4 which seemed to only house a few NPC at a time. The forests are more beautiful than those in RDR and featured people camping, young NPC drinking and dancing around campfires, people riding dirt bikes and jumping over logs, streams, etc. The water effects, forna, plants, trees all looked beautiful.2: The shooting mechanics have been greatly improved with animations for diving, climbing, rolling and crawling all added for better realism. The re-loading animations for new ammo also look cooler, less static.
3: There is much more climbable elements in the world such as ladders, overhand climbing, etc.
4: There are animals in the game from dogs to cattle but at this time it is not confirmed if you will be able to harm the animals. Rockstar were able to get away with it in RDR as it was a true depiction of the world in which the game was set. Allowing dogs/cattle to die in a game sent in current times may cause headaches with PETA. Its unclear if Rockstar were joking here.
5: There are planes to pilot and they can be crashed into buildings if you choose to do so….
6: Rockstar have included many, many more interior locations such as a shopping mall, college campus, police station, a huge hospital and there is also a vast underground sewer network which one mission later in the game involves a jet ski chase that culminates in a Fugitive-esque waterfall jump ( there are nods to the ridiculous but awesome Ballad Of Gay Tony missions)
7: The city is full of NPCs jogging, weight-lifting, hitting on women, being chased on foot by cops, shopping, washing cars, fixing fences, moving home, filling up their cars, etc.
1: Cars can be upgraded/repaired and it has been considered to have a car have fuel forcing the player to fill her up.
2: The dating aspect of the game is gone. You still have a cell-phone but only people you will meet in the game will call you to ask you to do a mission or to ask you to do something else before the mission.
3: Weapons include the usual arsenal you’d aspect but the flamethrowers, remote mines, laxer trip mines and claymores are included. It is possible now to pick up random objects in a street/buidling to use as a weapon. There is also a museum where it is possible to steal old age swords, axes, etc.
4: it is possible to rupture a fuel line and if you shot at the trail of gasoline it will lead straight back to the car blowing it up.
5: mini games such as bowling, darts, etc have all gone. You can play basketball, weight train, arm wrestle, gamble and cage fight, enter triatholons, water races, cannoing, ab-saling, rock climbing, base jumping, ski diving. More to be confirmed.
6: Character customization is back but only in terms of clothing, body weight, etc. The player you start off which, much like CJ, can’t be altered by race, age, height, etc.
7: Rockstar said burglary missions may return but only as part of missions and not on neighborhood houses.
8: No children NPC at all. Ever.
9: There is now an ability to grab people and use as shields or in “hostage” situations.
10: The cops are much, much, much more realistic. If you kill somebody when you know there are no cops around you will not run the risk of a one star as often as you would in GTA4. The cops will use smoke and tear gas, dogs, riot gear and rams to knock down the doors of buildings you are hiding in.
11: You can enter some buildings and lock doors, push objects in the way to barricade.
12: You become better at things as the game progresses. If you only ride motorbikes then you will increase your skills, same as individual weapons.
13: Certain weapons can be customizable and some even home-made.
14: One mission involves breaking out a very familiar GTA icon from a previous game…
15: Torrential rain fall and sunshine and even tremors will appear in the game.
Sounds quite nice.
I saw the original story somewhere else, the guy says he's a reporter from the PlayStation Magazine... Though if true, that's amazing.
And then you don't want people to call you troll, with that kind of response... It'll definitely come to PC, just like practically all GTA's did, again, you're being a troll on purpose, just because you have a better opinion about Saints Row.
No I'm considered a troll because I like Saints Row better.
And I have no doubt GTA V will make it to PC, but if it's the same piece of shit as GTA IV PC then they might as well stop wasting resources...
You're considered a troll because you're on a GTA forum running around from topic to topic JUST to say how much better SR is, how much GTA sucks compared to SR, and how much you hate Rockstar. If all of this is TRUE, then you need not be here. The fact that you are, makes you a troll. Not your opinion. But nice try.
No I'm afraid you made that up.
@Tuna - Stay on topic. Feel free to discuss stuff, feel free to put across your opinion, but other people are entitled to disagree. As Spaz said - this IS a GTA forum, people here generally tend to like GTA games, so don't expect everyone to love your negativity.
@Spaz - I always stopped mulitple levels of quote embedding, but Chris turned it back on. Silly admins. I will spike his breakfast for you.
I don't know why you're giving me shit since he's the one who keeps replying crap to all my posts. And my name... well my nick name isn't TUNA, douche.
Because you're mostly just being negative about GTA, on a GTA board. That is the essence of a troll. Either stop, or you can go else where.
Thank you, Gerard, for spiking his breakfast for me. I KNOW that just a month or two ago it was automatically removing embedded quotes, and then BAM! quote training.
I certainly hope some of that info is really leaked. But really, how could we ever know? What if it IS leaked information, but then they decide to take some of it out, and then it looks like rumor?
I'd like multiple cities. I spent most of my time in de Desert, the countryside and LV. Just coming back to LS now and then for something in my imaginary storyline. It's still the only game I've ever did that in. Having that vast world gave nearly endless possibilities. GTA IV feeling somewhat confined in my opinion and in the end I found it to be rather disappointing. Just didn't give me the same kicks as Vice City and San Andreas did (GTA III was before my time I guess.. at least before I was able to buy games myself).
I doubt that Rockstar is going to do it, but I do sincerely hope that they put in some other city. Or at least some little other towns like the country side had. Just thinking of driving through the countryside from town to town with K-Rose on makes me happy. Same for doing stuff with the Hydra over the desert and area whatever (probably 69, knowing Rockstar) with K-DST. Rockstar is extremely skilled in recreating time periods. I don't understand why they're suddenly making their GTA games in the present. They just aren't as good at that if you ask me.
Don't know where to put it, so I will just post it here.
Maybe a leak, maybe a fake. Who knows..
The black around the map might indicate that some other regions haven't yet been unlocked, thus making SF and LV still an option.
And then a big quote:
1: The game world is absolutely massive and will push both xbox and PS3 to the very limit in terms of what it has accomplished. Yes, the main city is simply Los Santos however is it AT LEAST 4 times bigger than Liberty City in GTA 4 and that is just Los Santos. The surrounding country side, beaches, etc are massive. For instance, we saw the main character ( an African/American, early 30′s) travel by car from the center of Los Santos into the wilderness and it took over 15 minutes. The views were incredible from farmhouses with cattle, huge wind farms, an oil refinery which appeared to be living and breathing with nearly 100 NPCs working on machinery, operating vehicles, lifting and loaded, etc, unlike the gas works in GTA 4 which seemed to only house a few NPC at a time. The forests are more beautiful than those in RDR and featured people camping, young NPC drinking and dancing around campfires, people riding dirt bikes and jumping over logs, streams, etc. The water effects, forna, plants, trees all looked beautiful.2: The shooting mechanics have been greatly improved with animations for diving, climbing, rolling and crawling all added for better realism. The re-loading animations for new ammo also look cooler, less static.
3: There is much more climbable elements in the world such as ladders, overhand climbing, etc.
4: There are animals in the game from dogs to cattle but at this time it is not confirmed if you will be able to harm the animals. Rockstar were able to get away with it in RDR as it was a true depiction of the world in which the game was set. Allowing dogs/cattle to die in a game sent in current times may cause headaches with PETA. Its unclear if Rockstar were joking here.
5: There are planes to pilot and they can be crashed into buildings if you choose to do so….
6: Rockstar have included many, many more interior locations such as a shopping mall, college campus, police station, a huge hospital and there is also a vast underground sewer network which one mission later in the game involves a jet ski chase that culminates in a Fugitive-esque waterfall jump ( there are nods to the ridiculous but awesome Ballad Of Gay Tony missions)
7: The city is full of NPCs jogging, weight-lifting, hitting on women, being chased on foot by cops, shopping, washing cars, fixing fences, moving home, filling up their cars, etc.
1: Cars can be upgraded/repaired and it has been considered to have a car have fuel forcing the player to fill her up.
2: The dating aspect of the game is gone. You still have a cell-phone but only people you will meet in the game will call you to ask you to do a mission or to ask you to do something else before the mission.
3: Weapons include the usual arsenal you’d aspect but the flamethrowers, remote mines, laxer trip mines and claymores are included. It is possible now to pick up random objects in a street/buidling to use as a weapon. There is also a museum where it is possible to steal old age swords, axes, etc.
4: it is possible to rupture a fuel line and if you shot at the trail of gasoline it will lead straight back to the car blowing it up.
5: mini games such as bowling, darts, etc have all gone. You can play basketball, weight train, arm wrestle, gamble and cage fight, enter triatholons, water races, cannoing, ab-saling, rock climbing, base jumping, ski diving. More to be confirmed.
6: Character customization is back but only in terms of clothing, body weight, etc. The player you start off which, much like CJ, can’t be altered by race, age, height, etc.
7: Rockstar said burglary missions may return but only as part of missions and not on neighborhood houses.
8: No children NPC at all. Ever.
9: There is now an ability to grab people and use as shields or in “hostage” situations.
10: The cops are much, much, much more realistic. If you kill somebody when you know there are no cops around you will not run the risk of a one star as often as you would in GTA4. The cops will use smoke and tear gas, dogs, riot gear and rams to knock down the doors of buildings you are hiding in.
11: You can enter some buildings and lock doors, push objects in the way to barricade.
12: You become better at things as the game progresses. If you only ride motorbikes then you will increase your skills, same as individual weapons.
13: Certain weapons can be customizable and some even home-made.
14: One mission involves breaking out a very familiar GTA icon from a previous game…
15: Torrential rain fall and sunshine and even tremors will appear in the game.
Sounds quite nice.
where did this info come from??
I'd like multiple cities. I spent most of my time in de Desert, the countryside and LV. Just coming back to LS now and then for something in my imaginary storyline. It's still the only game I've ever did that in. Having that vast world gave nearly endless possibilities. GTA IV feeling somewhat confined in my opinion and in the end I found it to be rather disappointing. Just didn't give me the same kicks as Vice City and San Andreas did (GTA III was before my time I guess.. at least before I was able to buy games myself).
I doubt that Rockstar is going to do it, but I do sincerely hope that they put in some other city. Or at least some little other towns like the country side had. Just thinking of driving through the countryside from town to town with K-Rose on makes me happy. Same for doing stuff with the Hydra over the desert and area whatever (probably 69, knowing Rockstar) with K-DST. Rockstar is extremely skilled in recreating time periods. I don't understand why they're suddenly making their GTA games in the present. They just aren't as good at that if you ask me.
^I agree, there was ALWAYS something to do SOMEWHERE in SA and it didn't take you long to figure out what you wanted to do. Whereas GTA IV kinda left me bored and limited to what you can actually do. Hopefully with the vast country side, mountains, ocean (jetskis sound fun) and whatever else R* throws in there, we should be entertained for quite a while.
I think that they are making GTA games in the present now because they feel that they have generally covered the other eras. Now I know that they didn't even etch the surface of the amount of story or game material that they could extract from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s but since GTA has always (more so with and after the release of GTA III) been a satire/interpretation of the American and world culture, I think that they find it interesting to experiment with how accurately they can represent the world today in a video game medium. Since there have been so many crime movies and games set in the 60s-2000s, it would make me think that R* would feel privileged or proud to have the opportunity to create a game based on what crime/life is like currently. Also they did some games that were set in quite early on the 20th century like L.A. Noire and Red Dead Redemption so maybe they're leaving the 'past' to games like that. Anyways maybe I'm over analyzing it a little bit but that's just my opinion. I would love to see a GTA game set +20 years ago because it would be a nice change and exposure to a time that I didn't grow up in. One more thing, so far GTA games (starting with III, not too sure about 1, 2 and London) have been set in the 80s,90s and 2000s. So maybe, since it is technically a new decade, this will be their crack at setting a game in the (although not radically different, but still significantly different) 2010s - if that's what we're calling it these days haha.
The thing that I notice most about GTA is that everyone has their own style of playing it.
Some people just play through the storyline, whilst others piss about in the countryside, others roleplay as a cop or gangster, others drive around shooting prostitutes, others go around collecting items, others race and stunt with vehicles, others make mods or videos, and many more I can't even imagine.
GTA San Andreas gave many more opportunities for that than any other GTA game, or even any other game. You could be everything from a mafia boss to a taxi driver to a military scientist in Area 69. You could spend your day chilling on grove street, driving down the open road, robbing casinos or flying over the vast countryside.
GTA IV, in contrast, was much more 2-dimensional. Outside of the storyline, there wasn't much else to do except drive around a city. There weren't many buildings to go in, no countryside to explore, no planes to fly, no destinations really.
It looks like GTA V will change that - I just hope they go all-the-way and give us the best ever sandbox to play in.
I hope they do, I like to explore and find little things that people would probably miss. San Andreas had a lot of stuff hidden all over the map while GTA IV didn't have to much. Biggest thing I remember in that one is just the beating heart in the Statue of Happiness.
i saw on another site that they suggested the possibility of there being a city in the game called Las Puerta (San Diego), cuz the freeway shown is the I-5 Las Puerta Freeway. the LA portion of the real life version of interstate 5 is known as the san diego freeway, so being able to go to the city of san diego could be a possibility and would be awesome
Who knew that it was los santos all the way and the graphics looks awesome
i think R* have used their RAGE HD the new one
The new RAGE HD engine?
Welcome to the first-ever Grand Theft Auto V Era with the upcoming game, Grand Theft Auto IV by Q1 2013!
For nearly a week, I waded through the GTAF V section of all the topics and queries, and I'm burned out, I can't even rehash them properly. I would say, it's likely to be a vast map, nearly as big as HALF of San Andreas based on what you can see in the trailer from one end to the other, in large scope scenes, like the one with the lone oil derrick on a hill, and judging from locations away from the City. However, closest to the Ocean, the Los Santos and Vinewood sections are most obvious from the first trailer, it still looks like some hybrid however, with some newly done geography, and despite that, much improved AI appears to be the biggest perk to GTA V
The graphics are close to Red Dead Red, but they're still not quite there, to be honest, Rockstar San Diego's got a leg up on Aaron Garbut and his crew of artists.
For nearly a week, I waded through the GTAF V section of all the topics and queries, and I'm burned out, I can't even rehash them properly. I would say, it's likely to be a vast map, nearly as big as HALF of San Andreas based on what you can see in the trailer from one end to the other, in large scope scenes, like the one with the lone oil derrick on a hill, and judging from locations away from the City. However, closest to the Ocean, the Los Santos and Vinewood sections are most obvious from the first trailer, it still looks like some hybrid however, with some newly done geography, and despite that, much improved AI appears to be the biggest perk to GTA V
The graphics are close to Red Dead Red, but they're still not quite there, to be honest, Rockstar San Diego's got a leg up on Aaron Garbut and his crew of artists.
Graphic's in red dead aren't anything special. From what I understand as well, it was a different R* team that did red dead, V will be made by North.
I just hope they cut back on the realism a little bit, and multiplayer on IV got tedious when you have to recollect ur weapon's each time you die.. Someone mentioned a glimpse of a dog in the trailer, that would be so awesome the police could set them on you.. They could have them at the airports, sniffer dog's O.o
I am still confused that Ned Luke is the protagonist? O.o
According to rather good sources Ned Luke is the VOICE of the main character we presume. As far as Red Dead not being graphically superior?? Get your TV replaced, son! In HD 720 and 1080 it looks flippin' amazing!!
The teams are sharing their input on the RAGE Euphoria engine because it pays to work on their games that way. Ever since the Midnight Club programmers' wives went to leak a story about the demands placed on workers, we've had ideas that the work load amongst Rockstar Games development staff is start / stop in nature, that they don't work on one item of business till it comes to fruition.
I'd thought I mentioned this prior, If you keep up with the news reports on Rockstar and interviews... This report came out of the Rockstar San Diego camp, but there's proof that Rockstar Games Production credits are popping up ever more increasingly, suggests the shared development knowledge.
As for detail, I refer mostly to the mountain scene for comparison to RDR, where you can obviously see leaves and bushes blowing around. In the City scene beneath the overpass, look at the ground, and notice bugs and/or debris that's moving, that's the added details we can expect
Anything with a blurred screen is fake, I doubt that is the map and real info. But in some way if it is - that's jaw dropping amazing. I hope it doesn't turn out into a glitchy headache like L.A. Noire. Also, why is VineWood out side of Los Santos? There in the same place...
Anything with a blurred screen is fake, I doubt that is the map and real info. But in some way if it is - that's jaw dropping amazing. I hope it doesn't turn out into a glitchy headache like L.A. Noire. Also, why is VineWood out side of Los Santos? There in the same place...
Hollywood / Vinewood is at the edge of LA / LS far as I know.
Anything with a blurred screen is fake, I doubt that is the map and real info. But in some way if it is - that's jaw dropping amazing. I hope it doesn't turn out into a glitchy headache like L.A. Noire. Also, why is VineWood out side of Los Santos? There in the same place...
Hollywood / Vinewood is at the edge of LA / LS far as I know.
Yeah i think it is too. its almost kind of separate from the city
Vinewood was an early clue/guess/suggestion over at GTAForums. I latched on to that and when I saw Vinewood in the trailer, it literally Sealed The Deal! Not only that, but the San Andreas connection was clear after the beach scene, which to me seemed like Vice City, obviously... Since the Life Guard houses first showed on the VC beaches.
In term of the GTA realm, I sincerely believe that Los Santos as we've seen for GTA 5, won't be the same as San Andreas. Most of us believe there will be changes as an exact map would be unrepresentative of the Rockstar Worlds evolving.
I believe they chose some of SA for the sake of fans, and probably based on time required to make a new game in a time frame suitable
Vinewood and richman is the city limit of LS dudes just like B.hills and Hollywood hills in LA
So had it been comfirmed that this game isn't going to include the ENTIRE san an map?
Nothing has been confirmed yet.
Shit! I thought there was a SF lol
In the announcement, rockstar said it was LS + surrounding countryside. That doesn't mean they can't add in SF or LV at a later date as DLC (doesn't mean they will, either).
It means they most likely won't. Have you ever seen a DLC for a game that added 2/3 of the game's current map? I mean we're talking at least 10 - 20 GB on PC and 5 - 10 on consoles.
Rockstar are always pushing the boundaries. TLAD+BOGT added vehicles, missions, buildings, characters, storylines, radio stations - why not map areas too?
I wouldn't expect a whole city to be a cheap downloadable addon, but more like a new game that physically interlinks with the previous game - so you can access both areas.
I'm sure they can get around the technical issues with that and make it work.
Yeah I heard it was Los Santos too...
I think there would be a 2nd game in the GTA V era after this LS they may include doing the second and third game in SF and LV.
I think there would be a 2nd game in the GTA V era after this LS they may include doing the second and third game in SF and LV.
GTA IV era, V being the 2nd...
Don't know, SF and LV DLC's coming out at all seem to me like PS3 Emulators coming out over night...
I keep wondering when new info from rockstar will come out. its been almost a month since the trailer...
They're going to let us stew over it a bit, I'd guess. Probably let it go long enough for us to get angry, then give us some more info.
Agreed with spaz there they aint going to show up before the release of MP 3.
lol Rockstar wont make you wait that long the hand is in final development but they really are focussing their attention for upcoming MP 3. I think june 2012 will be the date for the final trailer. lol.
lol Rockstar wont make you wait that long the hand is in final development but they really are focussing their attention for upcoming MP 3. I think june 2012 will be the date for the final trailer. lol.
So now they've worked on the hand.. They can work on the feet next!
They're going to let us stew over it a bit, I'd guess. Probably let it go long enough for us to get angry, then give us some more info.
haha yeah, sounds like Rockstar
Agreed with spaz there they aint going to show up before the release of MP 3.
I'd be surprised shocked if the 2nd trailer will come out before Christmas... 2013!!!
ummmm aren't they looking to release in 2012? lol
lol i meant the game i got some serious auto correct on my phone.
Anyway, as i was saying They will release the final trailer just after a month after the release of Max Payne 3.
lol i meant the game i got some serious auto correct on my phone.
Anyway, as i was saying They will release the final trailer just after a month after the release of Max Payne 3.
So GTA V is in final development? Ummm... wth? It's only just been announced, what date is MP3?
lol i meant the game i got some serious auto correct on my phone.
Anyway, as i was saying They will release the final trailer just after a month after the release of Max Payne 3.
So GTA V is in final development? Ummm... wth? It's only just been announced, what date is MP3?
I doubt we know that yet, but we do know a lot has been done already, the trailer didn't exactly look lacking or unpolished.
Yeah it must be now under testing i believe.
A lot has been done but looking at the trailer I can say it was still in early stages, there are fast motion parts of the trailer (One with the sports car) where you can see missing chunks of map right in front of you.
I believe its in early stages, most of the cars in the trailer were in a GTA IV render. I only noticed three new vehicles in there.
Edit: They've done the same to other GTA's in the series, mostly Vice City.
Or maybe it's because the cars in IV are awesome?
Anyway yeah the game it's probably in pre-alpha at best...
I have a feeling the next character might be Cesar Valiapando from San Andreas, it sounds like his Voice actor, maybe its an older version of him?
I highly doubt it. Rockstar Games have stated that the GTA III Era is over. It is unlikely they will revive it. Also, is it necessary to bump the topic?
they should put manual vehicles in this gta:)
Your post should be made in the GTA V wishlist, not here. This thread is for discussing the GTA V trailer, not what people's GTA V wishes are.
lol Rockstar wont make you wait that long the hand is in final development but they really are focussing their attention for upcoming MP 3. I think june 2012 will be the date for the final trailer. lol.
The hand in development has me curious, WHAT HAND?!?!? ha ha
Anyway, GTA V, new screenshots, since this was posted, in Asked and Answered they've admitted promo will resume and more screen stills and another trailer are on deck for public consumption, my question to you all is what will be the focus now??
Countryside? Characters and part of the story? Would it be TOO much of a reveal away from LS? I think the trailer will obviously be the most revealing, but I have doubts they'll show too much, they're really keeping spoilers out of this promo plan so far.
I see some of you predicted a maddening wait, and back with that trailer release, I was expecting better from Rockstar, but you were RIGHT on the money, they REALLLLLLYYYYYYY made us wait, and of course, we got angry. DAMN!